What to Expect

What You Can Expect at
Three Crosses Methodist Church

At Three Crosses: A United Methodist Fellowship of Butler, OH, we want you to feel comfortable in our church, with our congregation, and with our Sunday service. 

What Are Our Sunday Church Services Like?

Worship services at Three Crosses: A United Methodist Fellowship have a warm and welcoming feel and are usually about an hour long. Our goal is to maintain an attitude of praise and honor to our glorious God and Savior. The pastor’s teaching is Bible-based as she encourages, guides, and challenges us in our spiritual walk.

We have a blended combination of classic hymns and contemporary music, and our family-friendly services include a children’s time as part of the worship service. Some wear dresses and suits, some wear jeans--come as you are!

Three Crosses: A United Methodist Fellowship maintains an atmosphere of genuine love and authenticity, values the ideas of others, and always encourages service to the community and beyond. Check out our website to see the many ministries that are available.

Did you miss a recent Sunday church service? If so, visit our Sermons page to find archived videos. Call (419) 883-3121.

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